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The International Workshop on Future Information Technology
(FutureIT 2024)

Welcome to the International Workshop on Future Information Technology (FutureIT 2024). The goal of the workshop is to be a premier venue for researchers and industry practitioners to share new ideas, research results and their enriching experiences in information technology fields. It solicits authors to contribute for academic or industrial topics related to the areas. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. In addition, FutureIT 2024 features a special publication model for authors to extend their research works to high quality journals after the conference. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation and clarity of exposition. Selected high quality and presented papers, with more than 40% extension and revision, will be recommended to one of the SCI/SCIE/SSCI indexed journals.  

Submission Guidelines and Notes

  • This is a blind peer-reviewed workshop. Authors are invited to submit their papers in English through the workshop’s submissions system. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously. Each paper should have at least 4 pages, no longer than 6 pages, including figures, tables and references.

  • All papers accepted after review will be recommended to an SCI/SCIE/SSCI indexed journals. Authors will be notified by email for any further instructions.

  • Registration fee for an accepted paper will be USD 1,950. The registration fee includes attendance to the workshop and co-located events for one person. Additional participant registration will be required if more than one author of each paper would like to participate the event. The registration fee for participants will be announced on website after December 2023. 

Scopes and Topics

The conference has topics as below, but is not limited to:

  • Big Data and Cloud Computing

  • Embedded System and Robotics

  • Future Network and Mobile Communication

  • Signal Processing and IoT

  • IT Convergence and Platform

  • Artificial Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence


Honorary Chairs

Hackyoon Kim, Cheongju University, Korea

■ General Chairs

Jinho Ahn, Kyonggi University, Korea

Program Chairs

Insik Choi, Hannam University, Korea

Michael Hwa-Young Jeong, Kyung Hee University, Korea

Local Arrangement Chairs

Youngjae Lee, Jeonju University, Korea

Jihoon Bae, Daegu Catholic University, Korea

Advisory Committees

Yoonsik Kwak, Korea National University of Transportation, Korea

Yunho Kim, Mokwon University, Korea

Daeseong Kang, Dong-A University, Korea

Yonghwan Lee, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea

Insoo Lee, Kyungpook National University, Korea

Local Arrangement Committees

Sungbum Pan, Chosun University, Korea

Younghyung Kim, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea

Byeonggwon Kang, Soonchunhyang University, Korea

Sangook Moon, Mokwon University, Korea

Cheoljung Yoo, Jeonbuk National University, Korea

Dongwon Jeong, Kunsan National University, Korea

Namje Park, Jeju National University, Korea

Byungin Moon, Kyungpook National University, Korea

Kwanhyung Lee, Daejin University, Korea

Junhee Kwon, Kyonggi University, Korea

Bangwon Seo, Kongju National University, Korea

Jonghoon Cheon, Jeonnam State University, Korea

Sung-Eon Hong, Cheongju University, Korea

Important Date


* Way to pay:

We accept two ways to do paper registration.


I. Bank-wiring




Swift Code : SMBCJPJT


Branch Address : 20-2, UDAGAWACHO, SHIBUYA-KU, Tokyo

Beneficiary Account Number :654-9512836

Beneficiary Name : MR.N CO., LTD.

Beneficiary Address : 602, SAKURAGAOKACHO 29-31, SHIBUYA-KU, TOKYO 150-0031, JAPAN

Note : FutureIT 2024 (PaperID)


Please be sure that you write down your paper id on the bank-wiring form (e.g., remittance information) while doing the bank-wiring, and send the receipt, i.e., photo or scan, to Conference Manager for further confirmation of your registration. It usually takes 3-5 working days for the confirmation. You’re your registration is confirmed, a message along with the electronic receipt will be sent to you for reimbursement immediately.


​II. Online registration

  • We accept the most common types of cards: VISA, Mastercard, and American Express.

  • The exchange rate may be revised by the card company according to the actual situation.

*Organized by: Korean Institute of Information Technology (KIIT)

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        CONTACT US

Please address the issue to the conference manager at If you will need any support related to the conference. Our staff will acknowledge you at earliest convenience.

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